How to grow hibiscus plant from cutting at home – Water propagation method
What You’ll Need
Healthy hibiscus plant for cuttings
Sharp, sterilized scissors
Glass jar or container
Bright, indirect light
Steps to Grow Hibiscus from Cuttings
1. Select a Cutting:
Choose a healthy stem (6-8 inches long) from a non-flowering part of the hibiscus.
2. Take the Cutting:
Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle just below a leaf node.
3. Prepare the Cutting:
Remove the lower leaves, leaving a few at the top.
4. Place in Water:
Fill a jar with clean water and submerge the cut end, keeping leaf nodes above water.
5. Provide Light:
Place the jar in a bright spot with indirect sunlight.
6. Change Water Regularly:
Refresh the water every few days to keep it clean.
7. Monitor Roots:
In 2 to 4 weeks, roots should develop. When they are 2-3 inches long, it’s time to transplant.
8. Transplant:
Move the rooted cutting to a pot with well-draining soil, burying it up to the leaf nodes. Water lightly.
9. Care for Your Plant:
Keep in a warm area with indirect light and water regularly until established.