Growing Wheatgrass without Soil

Growing Wheatgrass without Soil – The EASIEST Way to Grow Wheatgrass

Materials Needed:

Wheatgrass seeds

Shallow tray

Paper towels or cloth

Water spray bottle

Clean water


1. Soak Seeds:

Place wheatgrass seeds in water for 8-12 hours.

2. Rinse and Drain:

Rinse seeds twice daily for two days until they sprout.

3. Prepare Tray:

Line tray with damp paper towels or cloth.

4. Spread Seeds:

Evenly spread sprouted seeds on the lining.

5. Cover and Germinate:

Cover tray to create humidity for 2-3 days until roots form.

6. Provide Light:

Place tray in indirect sunlight or under a grow light.

7. Water Regularly:

Mist seeds twice daily to keep them damp.

8. Monitor Growth:

Continue care until wheatgrass reaches 6-7 inches tall in 7-10 days.

9. Harvest:

Cut wheatgrass above roots with scissors.

10. Clean and Repeat:

Clean tray thoroughly before starting a new batch.

Growing wheatgrass without soil is simple and rewarding. Follow these steps to enjoy fresh, nutritious wheatgrass at home with minimal effort.

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