Got rusty pruners! Revive them with this simple two-ingredient solution you probably already have at home!
Here’s how to do it:
Supplies you’ll need:
– Large glass jar or casserole dish
– White vinegar
– Table salt
– Baking soda
– Multipurpose oil
– Carbide sharpening tool or diamond file
– Steel wool
– Clean rag
To remove rust: Disassemble your pruners and soak the rusted parts in a mixture of white vinegar and salt (2 tablespoons of salt per jar of vinegar) for 12 to 24 hours. After soaking, scrub off any remaining rust with steel wool.
Next, neutralize the vinegar by soaking them in a baking soda and water solution for about 10 minutes.
Rinse and dry completely.
Now it’s sharpening time! Use your sharpening tool along the beveled edge of the blade (10 to 20 degrees). A few swipes should do the trick! Finally, apply a coat of multipurpose oil to keep them rust-free and functioning smoothly.