How to Plant a Mango Seed and Successfully Grow It in a Pot

How to Plant a Mango Seed and Successfully Grow It in a Pot🥭

1. Extracting the Seed: Begin with a ripe mango. After consuming the fruit, take out the large pit. Clean off any pulp and let it dry for a day or two.🪴🪴🪴🪴

2. Opening the Husk: With care, use a knife to open the husk. Inside, you will find the actual seed. Ensure the seed looks healthy and is free from damage or mold.

3. Encase the mango seed in the damp towel.Regularly check the seed to ensure the paper towel remains damp and to see if sprouting has occurred.

4. Planting: If you’ve germinated the seed using the paper towel method, once the roots are a couple of inches long, it’s ready to be planted. Plant the seed shallowly, with the hump (ridge) facing up. For those who prefer direct planting in the pot without pre-germination, insert the seed with the ridge facing upwards and cover lightly with soil.

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